
12th ICPP: Athens, Greece, August 4-12, 2013

Organizer: Constantinos Athanasopoulos



Dr Constantinos Athanasopoulos, FHEA, is working as a philosophical practitioner for more than 15 years now. He works primarily in Greece and UK offering assistance to persons having mild to severe existential, cultural and identity problems and small businesses trying to establish an organizational ethos that promotes co-operation, joint problem resolution processes, reduction of frictions and improving personal working relationships and an establishment of a code of ethics that inspires both the leadership and the workers in their efforts. He has published four books in Ethics, Medieval and Byzantine Philosophy, and Culture and Civilisation in Greece and has published three edited collection of papers in UK. He has published papers in peer reviewed international journals, volumes in proceedings and edited collections in Philosophical Practice, Ethics, Logic and Metaphysics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Language and Mind, Aesthetics and Byzantine Philosophy and Theology. He established in 2013 the Hellenic Society for Philosophical Practice initially on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/406066352797814/ and Blog: https://hellenicsocietyphilosophicalpractice.blogspot.com/, with which, as a President, he organised the 12th International Conference for Philosophical Practice (12 ICPP) in Athens in August 2013, initially with a specialised Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/404431289621643 in co-operation with the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy that was taking place in Athens around the same time. The 12 ICPP took place both at the University of Athens (Zografos Campus) in XXIII World Congress of Philosophy parallel sessions and in the City Hall of the City of Papagos-Holargos, under the auspices of the Mayor and the City Council of Papagos-Holargos, a historic location, which is close to the birthplace of Pericles, the famous political figure of Ancient Athens https://bit.ly/2Qbvh6V. More information about the Hellenic Society for Philosophical Practice you can see here: http://www.athanasopouleion.gr/sites/othersites/Philosophical-Practice/Greece/. In the APPA journal (https://appa.edu/journal/) you can find papers that are published from the Conference, which you can find in Volume 8, No 3 (November 2013) and Volume 9 Number 2 (July 2014). He is also working as an Associate Lecturer at the Open University (UK) teaching at the Departments of Philosophy and Religious Studies.



The 12th ICPP in Athens, Greece

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