
2nd ICPP: Leusden, Netherlands, August 25-28, 1996

Organizers: Ida Jongsma & Dries Boele


Ida Jongsma: was in 1983 the co-founder of the Dutch Philosophical Counseling movement in the Netherlands. After her M.A. in Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam she started in 1989 the Dutch Association for Philosophical Practice with colleagues. In 1988 Hotel de Filosoof (The Philosopher Hotel) was opened in Amsterdam with Ida Jongsma as co-owner. The hotel was the venue for many philosophical group activities for nearly twenty years. Among which courses for beginning philosophical counselors, training workshops,and lectures in the weekly Philo Cafe. Ida Jongsma worked with students, health care groups, in profit and nonprofit organizations in Holland and abroad.



Dries Boele: was an art student at different academies and studied philosophy (in Amsterdam and Paris). He has been involved in the Dutch movement of philosophical practice since 1983. In 1990 he opened his practice as a philosophical counselor and other forms of philosophical practice, such as Socratic dialogue and Dilemma training. Since 1995 he gives training workshops for facilitators of a Socratic dialogue. He works with civil servants, police officers, physicians, prisoners, coaches and managers, and offers seminars (also as a summer holiday in Holland, France and elsewhere). Main subject: the philosophy of the art of living. In Hotel de Filosoof (Amsterdam) he organizes a philosophical café and reading groups.



The 2nd ICPP in Netherlands

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General Information

The Dutch philosophical counseling movement developed over the years several specialties such as Dilemma training, Socratic Dialogue, philosophy in education, management workshops and public philosophical debates on for instance ethics in the workplace and on political issues. Philosophy became hugely popular in Holland: there is Philosophical Magazine, April has become the month Philosophy with many events, a yearly Brainwash festival, a Philosopher of the Nation every year, Philosophical theatre, regular broadcastings on philosophical topics on public television, Socratic Discourses and philosophers getting a voice in public debate.


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